Live Video Marketing Expert, Founder of The 5 Minute Lives – Trish Leto

US Navy Veteran, Speaker, Live video marketing expert, Founder of 5 Minute Lives
Trish Leto
QUIN: Today we have another special guest. She is a US Navy veteran, a speaker, live video marketing expert and the founder of the 5 Minute Lives. With us today, we have Trish Leto. How’s it going, Trish?
TRISH LETO: Oh that was awesome. Thank you so much. Yes, it is going fantastic. How are you doing today?
QUIN: I’m doing very good. So spring has arrived and how beautiful is it where you are?
TRISH LETO: Oh my god. So I’m in Tampa Florida and the weather is beautiful. However with the spring season in Tampa comes like just sheets and sheets of pollen on our cars and in our sinuses. So my poor children are just like, it’s just mucus everywhere. And as you know, you’ve got little ones as well, when your little kids are running around with like that cold or the allergies whatever, they’re just walking little Petri dishes. So the weather is lovely but then everybody gets a cold.
QUIN: You know what, that bothers me so much when the little ones are having a hard time breathing.
TRISH LETO: Oh it’s the worst because you like you can’t do anything and they fight you, right? And for me, and my son he wakes and he sneezes and I’m constantly having to wipe his nose. And then, you know the little saline spray that you can put up their nose and like help flush it out. He hates that. He hates it. So yeah we just went directly into parenting life but yeah that’s what’s going on.
QUIN: Very good. Trish, so you’re a US Navy veteran. How long were you in the Navy for?
TRISH LETO: I was in the Navy for 4 years. I was a helicopter mechanic.
QUIN: Really.
TRISH LETO: Yeah, ’96 to 2000.
QUIN: Helicopter mechanic. Nice. So you actually worked on helicopters, fixed them. Hammers and wrenches and all that kind of stuff?
TRISH LETO: Oh yeah, wrenches and hammers and power tools. Yeah. I loved it. I really did. I was a Structural Mechanic, so I did sheet metal repair, fiberglass repair, hydraulic system troubleshooting. But I was a part of a detachment, so it was like all the different MOS’s basically like all different people who you had… I worked with avionics people and the mechanic people and you know, like all different specialties. So we all kind of work together because you know, one helicopter everything kind of comes together, right. So yeah, three years and then I got out.
QUIN: It’s fantastic that two days, ago I aired a podcast where I interviewed the Crew Chief of the F16 for the US Air Force, Sean Romero. And man, it is so exciting like you guys were working on some equipment that is very expensive and like millions of dollars.
TRISH LETO: Oh my god yeah. Like even the hunks of junk that I worked on, and I have to say it that way because we used to just… I mean, they’re still around too, they’re still flying those damn things. CH-46 Deltas. I mean it was like $33 Million aircraft. And then not to mention all the tools that went into that too. But yeah I mean, I look back on that and think to myself, “Geez, god almighty. I still can’t believe Uncle Sam put me responsible to work on those damn things.” But I’m glad he did.
QUIN: You know what’s funny? I find that if army helicopter compared to any other one, it almost sounds as if none of them have exhausts because they’re so loud.
TRISH LETO: Oh my god, they’re so loud. Even the H-60 is like, I worked on CH-46 Deltas, the echoes of the marine helicopters and their engines are a lot bigger because they had to bring like a lot of ammunition and like a lot of troops in there. But whenever I was on a flight deck underway and an H-60 would fly in, the 60 helicopter blades are like twice the width and length of a 46. And I mean they were freakin massive and I loved it. I loved landing an H-60 on my ship. We never had an army helicopter come in because we were so far out at sea like, they’re also land-based for the army. But yeah man, I don’t know. I love hearing the sound of a helicopter fly over like even like the news choppers, even sheriff’s chopper if I see like a chopper flying in the air in my neighborhood, I’m like “Oh, that sucker sounds good.”
QUIN: Yeah. Absolutely. So you know something I heard a few podcasts where you were interviewed, and there was one thing in common that all hosts I heard, they introduce you as a badass.
TRISH LETO: That’s funny.
QUIN: Was that a coincidence or are you really one?
TRISH LETO: I mean, I like to think that I’m a badass just in that, I don’t know, you know it’s funny it’s like you know what does that mean that for different people? I think for me it just means that I think some people just consider me a badass because of what I did in the military. Other people consider me a badass because I’ve worked very hard. You know I beat everybody, plenty of people out there that work hard you know. I don’t know. I definitely appreciate it and I consider it a huge compliment. Am I a badass? Sure, I’ll own it. I just own my stuff. Even if I think I suck, I own the fact that I think I suck at something and I kind of stay in my lane and go all the way with it. And I love empowering other people. So I own the fact that I am a badass because I like to empower other people to find their own inner badass. I’ll take it.
QUIN: Very good. So looking back at your navy life, so that must have been super exciting. There’s a lot of adrenaline going on. When you leave something like that and come into civilian life, do you find that you’re going to depression, missing the activity and the excitement?
TRISH LETO: For me, when I got out, I think what actually made me feel depressed was that I couldn’t find a job right away. Nobody would hire me. So that’s a big part of my mission. I’ve got a huge mission. I’ve got essentially like three different audiences. And that kind of happened like on purpose. It was like the best mistake that could have happened with my business because as a veteran, I attract a large veteran population, whether it’s entrepreneurs themselves or business startups, whatever. That are attracted to me because of what I do and my story from a veteran standpoint.
And then because I’ve got a mortgage background, I did 18 years in the mortgage industry, and so I can speak mortgage and real estate to that market. And they appreciate that because I speak their language very well. And I help them with their branding and their marketing efforts. And then I’ve just got that other piece is just like you know, the non-veteran, the civilian entrepreneurs out there, the aspiring speakers, authors and people who were just trying to do what I do or just trying to get themselves out there more.
And the reason why I’m talking about that is a big part of my mission is to help those people but especially veterans because I remember how lousy that felt. You wanna talk about like feeling that badass, I had to find me my inner badass to get over that hump of you know, coming out of the military, I was 22 years old, I was in for 4 years. I get out at age 22. And something that I really want people to understand about serving in the military is that there are certain certifications and qualifications you get in the military that do not transfer into the civilian world.
So I was a helicopter mechanic in the Navy. When I got out of the Navy, they couldn’t give a shit less that I was a helicopter mechanic in the Navy because I still had to go get my airplane and power plants license, which is the civilian equivalent. And the last thing I wanted to do was go to a school to prove to other people, outside of Uncle Sam’s world, that I knew how to work on the freaking helicopters better than they did.
So, I didn’t have PTSD or anything like that, but I definitely went through depression. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. Like, how the hell is this even being that I’m having to dumb down my resume and nobody would hire me because the skill sets didn’t transfer over. And so, I have a very empathetic heart for vets who get out who didn’t serve for 20 years and retired and are getting that pension, right? Or that disability paycheck. There’s people like me that get out and there’s no pension, there’s no disability. You just get an honorable discharge after 4 years or 8 years, and you can’t find a job in the civilian workforce. That sucks. So that’s a big part of my mission is on teaching people how to use social media powerfully to make sure that their stories are being heard, to help them get that job. So that they don’t hit that depression level because it sucks.
QUIN: Absolutely. That’s something that as most civilians probably don’t even realize is that when you come out, you feel like. “Okay now I’m gonna be appreciated. People are gonna love what I do and who I became.” And then, in reality, you were just working on a $30 Million helicopter and now, you can’t fix a 2-stroke motorcycle because you don’t have the, I don’t know…
TRISH LETO: The certification equivalent, right. And that’s not an entitlement thing. Some people think like, oh just because you served our country, that you’re entitled to get a job when you get out. It’s not an entitlement thing. It’s a, “No, I’ve got a skillset for Christ’s sake. Can I please get this job?” It is what it is, you know.
QUIN: I find that a lot still, this is my more of like an old school mentality, even for example in marketing, you can have somebody with 10-15 years of marketing experience that’s been doing it for that long, but when they go looking for this job, they don’t have the MBA. And you know, the old school mentality is I want you with this diploma. You don’t have the MBA you cannot get this job. It doesn’t matter that you can do it better than whoever’s coming out of school now. I love referring to Elon Musk when it comes to that. Somebody asked him about you know his degree and he said, “People that go to Harvard work for me.”
TRISH LETO: There you go. It’s so funny and people that go to Harvard are reaching out to me, for my help on how to use social media. Like universities hire me to come speak to their people and teach them how to do things and motivate them and inspire them. Like, I’m a college dropout and I’m totally proud of that.
You know we talk about staying in our lane. Why am I going to go to college to get a degree for something that I’m not going to actually use? I think that certain degrees are needed for certain people. And I think that specific types of people should go to college because that’s right for them. I’m not shunning college. I know that there’s like a lot of influencers out there that shun college like you know like Gary V is like, “don’t go to college” or whatever. I’m not saying don’t go to college. I’m just saying if college doesn’t feel right to you, then don’t go to college. But then find something else that’s in your lane, that’s in your path, that you’re really passionate about and work your ass off to find your inner badass to see it through.
QUIN: Yeah, so if you’re going to be a plastic surgeon, go to college. Don’t just learn with life. Don’t go with the flow.
TRISH LETO: Exactly. I mean there are certain things that you have to go to college for. You’re exactly right. A plastic surgeon or chiropractor or a nurse or you know, an IT technician or whatever. Go to college and get your degree. Get your certification or whatever that is. For me, I am way too distracted and my mind spins way too fast to sit down in a classroom and read a book written by somebody 25 years ago and then write a paper about it and how it relates to everyday life. I’m cool. We’re good. I’m gonna go just do a Facebook live and inspire people and get paid for it. Thank you very much.
QUIN: You know what’s incredible? Social media is growing every day. We all know how huge this animal is and it seems to be unstoppable. And talking about college and school and social media, Tai Lopez, the super viral video, if you know about that, “Here in my garage” the Tai Lopez video?
QUIN: They study that video in Harvard University.
TRISH LETO: I totally believe it. Absolutely.
QUIN: And talking about the video and all that, you are the founder of the 5 Minute Lives. So tell us what it is and I guess the name kind of somewhat explains what it is. But how did this start then what exactly is it?
TRISH LETO: Really long story short, really long story short, when I first started doing Facebook live, I was one of the first people that got that little red camera on my phone. And people were like, “Oh my god we go live on Facebook!” because everybody was going live on Periscope. And I think some people go on live on YouTube. And it was fun but I didn’t like periscope because people could pop in and you’d get trolls. And I didn’t love it. So when Facebook Live came about, I started going live but I was in an MLM at the time, so I was doing direct sales and trying to all sell like fitness programs. It was horrible. And I kind of broke away from that. I had my worst month ever and I got out of that business.
For market research purposes, I dabble in a couple of other MLMs. But what happened was I started reaching out to industry experts who I recognize as being absolutely phenomenal to what they were doing. I started watching webinars like Louis Howes, Gary V, Grant Cardone, and Amy Porterfield. People who I’m just like, “Wow! These people are amazing.” Russell Bronson and all these people. So I started reaching out to people who were learning from them. A
And one of my original mentors, a guy by the name of Landon Porter who calls himself the Sales Gorilla. And he’s amazing. I started doing interviews with him and other people and it was like, “Wow, you’re literally the epitome of what I want to be with my business the next year or two years.” And I started interviewing them. And so it turned into a Facebook live show that I called The Expert Connection. So I would reach out to industry experts and I’d bring them on as an interview. And the interviews will go on for like a long time. It wasn’t like a podcast. I was like, “Hey, let’s just do this.” I’d have them on for half and hour, sometimes a full hour, over an hour. And people would be on and would be great and people would engage.
But I’ve found that when I went live by myself, I didn’t have any structure. And then I see other people do the same thing. They’d go live and there would be no structure. And I’m going, “Okay, there’s something broken here because if I’m using Facebook live, why am I doing it? Am I pressing live with purpose?” I’m telling again, really long story short, I promise. There were a lot of other stuff in between here. But I was sitting at my desk one day and I grabbed a sticky note and I’m like, “There’s got to be an easier way.” And I know because you know I’d run Facebook ads and I run them for myself. Not a lot but enough. And I know that with Facebook ads specifically, we can create custom audiences and look alike audiences based on time viewed on a video. 3 seconds, 7 seconds, 10 seconds and then 25, 50, 75 and 95 percent of the video view.
So I started doing like really simple math. And I suck at math. I swear to god I suck at math. But I started doing really simple math. And then I said, “You know what, if I could bring people in to a video for 5 minutes, 5 minutes. If I can get people to watch 95% of that video and I’m just giving them like one tip. One bit of content. One bit of motivation or inspiration or whatever and it’s only 5 minutes and they know it’s only 5 minutes, I’m probably gonna get 95% of that video viewed.”
So I started to play around with it. I started doing it and it was working. And people were like, “Oh my god, these 5-minute videos are awesome. These are like you know small chunks of content I could totally consume. I know you’re only going to be live for five minutes.” And so I put together this little blueprint. And I said okay, for the first 30 seconds, the second you go live don’t wait for people the pop in. The second I’m live, I cover my who, my what, my why and my how. And who am I, what am I going to talk about, why should people care and how would they be able to get more of me?
And then the next 2 to 3 minutes, I dive into my topic. And I write down my bullet points. I write down whatever I’m gonna talk about so I can stay laser focus in the moment, cover that thing for 2 to 3 minutes and I’m good. I’m not getting distracted when people pop in they’re happy. And then one minute, I go in and say, “Hey guys thank you so much for watching this live video today. I really appreciate you.” And I give a couple of shout outs. I say hello to people. I ask them, “Hey if you enjoyed this video, make sure you tag a friend. Make sure you share this out. Make sure you tell me #unicorn if you’re catching me live. #reader if you’re catching the replay.” Because my audience calls me the unicorn breeder. And then the last 30 seconds, I recap my who, what, why and how. “Thank you for popping in today. My name is Trish Leto. Today, I talked about 5 minute live blueprint. You can locate my blueprint for free by visiting my website, Go press live with purpose. Leto out.” And I’m done. I am done.
QUIN: Talking about is that video done, is that video done? Are you going to repurpose it for other platforms or any kind of content?
TRISH LETO: That’s always what I do. That’s why I tell people, those people who say that they want to be omnipresent, they want to be across all the social media platforms, people are like, “Well how do I do this? How do I do this? Or what’s the deal with the hashtags and this and this and this.”
What I try to tell people is start with where you’re already having good things happening. If you’re already on Facebook and you’re already connecting with people, build your brand there. Go live for 5 minutes. When that live is over, download it onto your computer, download it onto your phone, grab a 59-second clip and put it onto Instagram. Just one clip. One nugget that you covered.
And then you can get people call to action and say, “Hey, go to my YouTube channel or go to my Facebook business page to watch the whole video or catch more videos like this.” Whatever you want to say. Put it onto LinkedIn. If you do the 5-minute blueprint and you go over 5 minutes but you’re still less than 10, you can put the whole video onto LinkedIn because you can upload up to 10 minutes of video onto LinkedIn.
Same thing with the IGTV. Same thing with YouTube. You could put longer than that on YouTube but people are not going to pay attention. Really not pay attention unless it’s an actual interview. If you’re going live and you’re solo, people are not going to pay attention to you for more than 5 minutes. Our attention span is squirrel, squirrel, squirrel all day long on social media.
So that’s why I tell people to use free apps like InShot or Pic Play Post or Adobe Acrobat Reade or whatever free video editing apps you have on your phone, be it an iPhone or an Android. Take that 5-minute video and repurpose it. Grab a couple of still frames and post some other videos and inspirational quotes on Instagram into your stories on Snapchat into WhatsApp, into the Next Door app. Send the clip of your video to your email list, put it into your chatbot. It is limitless opportunities. You could write a book with a 5-minute lives. It is a limitless opportunity to get your content out there in consumable chunks and build your brand, leverage your credibility and authority and be the go-to expert in your industry, thus increasing revenue. Done.
QUIN: And Trish, if I decided to start today or anybody listening decided to start today, should from day one, the very first live should they expect a big audience.
TRISH LETO: No. You should not expect anything. The expectation should be, “Congratulations, you just pressed live.” There should be zero expectations. The expectation should be, you sound horrible. You look horrible. You’re gonna stumble on your words. Nobody’s gonna pop in. If you go live for the first time with an expectation, you are doomed for failure. Expect to get practice out of it. Expect nothing in return. Expect to go live to only serve your audience. That’s your expectation. That’s it. I literally got nothing else for you on that.
QUIN: I really love that advice. That’s perfect. And I hear Gary V. say it often when somebody starting out, do not look at the follower count. Put out the content that you want to put out. Don’t look to see any of the stats. And to be completely honest, a stat that almost killed my podcast was when I launched, I would check often how many people downloaded the podcast. And when you launch, you know how many people listen? Nobody. I told this to somebody before, I could double my download count if I downloaded the podcast myself with two phones. I could double my count. So it got to a point where “Okay, I’m just gonna put this out there.” And December 2018. It was the end of the year I want to check and I had reached 50,000 per month.
TRISH LETO: That is incredible!
QUIN: Yes, and I’m like, this is a huge audience. Every time I speak there’s 50,000 people. And this is countries that I had no idea, it was the USA, Canada, Australia. Japan was number four and then the UK. And of course, there’s so many other countries. I’m like why Japan? And I mean the US has numbers that are about 80% of all listeners are from the US and then the rest is going down from there. But I mean, if I would’ve focused on that from the beginning, I almost gave up. There’s nobody listening.
TRISH LETO: Absolutely. That’s so funny. I was having a conversation with somebody the other day about this. I don’t member who it was. Forgive me. I feel like I’m actually on the phone all day every day but I was having a conversation with somebody about this the other day and I said listen, you know, if I gave up the first time I failed, I mean I quit my full-time job two weeks ago. This is my second week as 100% entrepreneur up until now. This has been a side hustle. I built my brand, I built my business, I got private clients. I sold courses. I failed. I failed forward. 100% I failed forward but if I gave up one of those times, I swear to god there was one defining day that I was ready to throw in the towel. It was like you know, I was comparing myself to other people too much. I was comparing myself because you know there are some young people out there that they put this whole gauge out there about the video views. Like we’re talking about. and they put this gauge out there’s like, “Look at how many people watch my Facebook Live,” as if that’s a gauge for success.
And I was frustrated because I don’t get that many views. And I was ready to throw in the towel. I literally was ready to throw in the towel. I can’t compete with that right now. That’s not the look I’m going for. And it was literally that week that I had a handful of people reach out to me and said, “Your Facebook Lives, you give away more value than I’ve ever seen anybody give away. You absolutely are the bar that people have to meet up to.” I literally kept thinking to myself maybe my content is not good enough. Maybe I’m just not good enough. And it’s those weeks where you feel like you’re not good enough, that I swear to god the universe or something’s listening to you. And I picked up my books. And like right now I’m reading Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi, which is a phenomenal book. Phenomenal book. You wanna talk about a mindset shift. Oh my god. That’s what I need to do and that’s like one of the things I do every morning is I read that book.
So if you’re just starting out, one of my best pieces of advice to you is, for people who are listening to this or watching this, is if your mindset is like all over the place, make sure for one, you’re surrounding yourself with a network of people who support and encourage you first and foremost. People who you can message and go, “Dude I need to hop on the phone and talk to somebody. I need a friend.” I feel like I’m just ready to throw in the towel.” Because if you have even half a dozen people who you know are there for you and support you in that way like a business coach, you’re guaranteed to have that conversation that day. You’re gonna get that kick in the ass that you need.
But the other thing is please pick up a book that you hear other people recommending for mindset help and get it and have it on your desk readily available to open it up and read it. And read it every freakin morning. Every freakin morning. Pick it up even if it’s only 2 or 3 pages. You’re gonna get out of it what you need to hear from the universe. I swear to god. This is not woo-woo, this is 100% true. Because if you don’t do that, it is a very, very lonely place to be as an entrepreneur.
Because listen, I don’t compete with other people. I collaborate. I don’t compete. But if I let gauge tell me that I shouldn’t be doing Facebook live as a coaching piece then I wouldn’t have private clients that helped me quit my full-time job and go all in. I spoke at VaynerMedia’s Agent2021 in January for Christ’s sake. Gary V’s team chose me. Do you think I was worried whether or not they’re going to care about how many views I have on my Facebook live? No. They cared whether or not I was omnipresent. I gave them all of my social media links and they’re like, yeah she’s got Instagram, yeah she’s on LinkedIn, yeah she’s on Facebook, yeah she’s on YouTube. Boom, she’s everywhere. They don’t care how many views I get on my videos. They cared that my content doesn’t suck and then I’m making an impact. That’s what they cared about.
QUIN: And that you’re consistent with it.
TRISH LETO: Exactly! So you know like please don’t worry about whether or not you get like 100 views or 1,000 views on your videos. You’re gonna get that one video that gets over 1,000 views. You’re gonna get that video that goes viral because there’s definitely gonna be a motion in there. Like I’m a passionate badass when I go live. I want to make sure that I’m driving it home for people. I want them to feel the fire in my heart because it’s truly there. But if I go live and I’m dull and quiet, I’m not gonna make that impact. Nobody’s gonna watch my video. Like you got to bring it home is my point. So make sure your content is good. Make sure people can feel the emotion inside of you that you actually care about them. And do not, for the love of god, do not forget your call to action. Always, always, always get that call to action.
QUIN: And Trish, how often do you go live?
TRISH LETO: Every day. Definitely Monday through Friday. But like I said, because I’m so consistent with it, if I don’t go live on the weekends I’m at least doing a story or two. I am at least keeping myself in front of people’s minds with my brand. I start my stories on Instagram and then I post them on both Instagram and Facebook so that people could see what’s going on. But yeah I’m live just about every day now. 100%.
QUIN: Okay so the question is, I guess a lot of people in the audience have this too. For example, somebody I follow is Bob Heilig and he has a podcast as well Your Virtual Upline. And he decided to do one live video every single day for one year. And he was super, super uncomfortable and before he started this, he didn’t have a big following. And by the end of that year, he was doing months of doing hundreds of thousands of dollars. People everywhere contacting him, all that kind of stuff. And that’s all fine because he did it and you can do it. Now how do you organize and how do you decide what content to deliver. Because people will think, “I don’t know what to say. I want to go live every day but what am I going to deliver?”
TRISH LETO: So my answer to that because I actually have a methodology that I teach my clients and within my courses, one of my answers to that is to put your ear to the ground and listen to what people are saying on social media. People are talking every day on social media. I don’t care what you’re selling. I don’t care if you’re service-based or product-based. People are telling you exactly what they need every single day. So without even posting anything, you can go into groups on Facebook and you can do a search for keywords within your industry and you can find hundreds if not, thousands of conversations threads. So people are telling you exactly what they need. Exactly what they want.
When people say “I don’t know what to talk about,” you do know what to talk about. You’re just not listening to your audience effectively. So go do your market research. Find out what people are saying about your industry right now today and what they need to learn about. And then go live and educate them. Tell them exactly what they want to know about. And then make an offer. Give a call to action and say, “Hey let’s hop on a call and find out if we’d be a good fit to work together.”
People will say that they don’t feel comfortable on video and the lack of confidence comes from lack of content. Because if you know what the hell you’re going to talk about, you can go live confidently be, “Like yep, this is what I want to talk about.” And there’s no rule saying you have to be yourself on video. You can share your screen and host a freakin webinar. You can create a webinar with Google slides for free. Put your content out there. Have a call to action. It’s not difficult.
QUIN: You spoke at Gary Vaynerchuk’s event and when you go to speak at an event like that, of course, you have to prepare and know exactly what you’re gonna say and how you’re gonna say it. How nerve-wracking is it that the more that it’s Gary V’s event. Is it very nerve-wracking for you at this point?
TRISH LETO: No. And here’s why: I am so freaking consistent with my content. So that’s the other thing and that’s why I encourage people to use live video more and more is because the more I go live, the more it forces me to do my market research. I practice what I preach. I’m out there and I’m having those conversations with people every day. So people don’t go live because they have technical problems, they’re like, “I don’t know how to go live. Do I do landscape, do I do portrait? How do I repurpose? Is repurposing really a good idea because I’ve heard that if the same content is on multiple platforms it’s a bad thing.” No. Just do it! Who cares, right?
So these are the conversations that I see people telling me because I pay attention. I do my market research. So the more I do live video, the more I know. Even podcast, you’re asking me questions I can answer you no problem. I’m firing out the answers because I’ve consistently answered these questions over and over again by different people, in different industries at different places in their business.
So by the time I got to Gary V, I have over 18 years in the mortgage industry. I’m talking to real estate agents and mortgage professionals, title agents, all sorts of different people. I sat on that stage and I spoke confidently about using live video. And I was lucky enough to sit on the panel with four other gentlemen and one of them was Jeff Nicholson who is I think he is the chief media officer for VaynerMedia. Are you kidding me? So he’s talking about running Facebook ads and I’m sitting here telling people, “Oh, you want to get an audience organically? Do Facebook live. Create custom audiences and lookalike audiences.” And he and I we’re like high fiving when we got to the seat. And that was like the perfect blend of like we were feeding off of each other. I was learning from him. Listen, Facebook live has been the perfect platform for practice for me to get on stage and teach social media like a badass because that’s what I do now. And I love it.
QUIN: You know why I asked that because not too long ago I was asked to go speak at an event about Amazon or selling on Amazon. And that’s what I do. I’ve done e-commerce for 20 something years. And although I’ve done e-commerce for 20 something years, I didn’t do speaking. So I prepared a slide show on the computer. I printed it so I could have my notes. And it started with an introduction. Here’s who I am and this is kind of what I’m gonna explain to you guys.
When I got there, I was a little bit nervous and I started talking. And I put my slides on the computer so they will play on the screen. Now my computer has a screen saver that starts playing the pictures that I have on the computer, it just plays anything that I have saved on my computer. All screenshots, pictures plays them. So for the first 5 minutes, I play that slide. And then I got into the content. I forgot about the slide. I never played a single slide after and it just played my pictures. They played my pictures whatever’s in my computer. And at the end of the event, people came over and it was like they didn’t want to leave. They came over and asked more questions.
Do you know what I realized? The only slides I looked at was, “Who is Quin Amorim?” So basically, who am I, what’s my name and all that stuff? That’s what I looked. And everything else it just starts coming out.
TRISH LETO: It flowed.
QUIN: Exactly. So when you know what you’re talking about, it comes out and you just have to be confident and let it go.
TRISH LETO: I will tell you too something someone super cool that I loved about what happened at that particular event. At the very end, Gary came out to do a keynote. And I’d never seen Gary live before so to see him live was that was amazing in and of itself. But when he came out on stage and as he came out on stage I just noticed like the Vayner Crew were lining up microphones like right in front of the stage on the floor and that up on the floor of the bleachers because this is in a Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens Florida. It was freaking awesome. A beautiful day too. Gorgeous day.
So he comes out to start talking and he’s like, “Hey guys, I’m just gonna address of a few things that I see happening for just a couple of minutes and then I’m gonna open up to a Q and A.” And I love that he did that because like people just started lining up like crazy and started answering his questions and he was just firing out answers. And I’m like, damn if I’m not gonna do that at the next social media training event that I do. Like I’m gonna teach for a little while and then I’m gonna open up for Q and A. Because that’s the whole purpose of all this, and that’s market research too, that’s real-time market research. That’s knowing exactly what people want to ask you and then now you can take that and go, hey, so I was teaching at this event like, I can go a month later and go, “So I was teaching at this event and somebody asked me about XYZ. And I thought it was an awesome question and this is the answer that I gave.” That’s content. That’s content forever and ever amen.
QUIN: Yeah. That’s fantastic. And I do the Q and A and it wasn’t planned. It just happened. As soon as I was done, I asked does anybody have any questions and they start coming in. And it was fantastic. You know, you get to know what people really wanna know. And so the next time you can deliver more related to what they actually want to know.
TRISH LETO: I mean that’s it. That’s market research. So couple more hacks real quick because I want to make sure that I’m telling you this. People ask me all the time, “I don’t know what to talk about. I don’t know what to talk about.” Something that I do is I do is I’ve got like 30 in 20 master class where I teach people how to fill up their calendar with 30 days’ worth of content in 20 minutes or less. I’m not talking about a full blog post. I’m not talking about writing a blog or a full post. I’m talking about a concept or idea for content to do your Facebook live about.
And what I do is I open up Pinterest, Instagram, Google Groups, LinkedIn and YouTube. And I call it the PIGGLY method. And I take about 20 minutes. I’ve got all these 6 tabs open. I go to Pinterest, I go to people first then I go to boards based on the industry like a couple of keywords. I do them on Pinterest first because Pinterest is a search engine. It’s a social media platform. Then I go to Instagram. I have to look up the hashtag and I find viral videos and I find people talking on the viral videos about whatever the topic they’re talking about. Then I go to Google. I look it up on Google. I go to the very first link underneath whatever’s running by an ad because if that’s ranking high, then it means somebody’s paying attention to their SEO and that’s a good article.
Then I go to groups in Facebook and just like I said, I go into the search feature and then I lookup keywords and I go in the conversation threads and I just pull out a bunch of keywords. Then I go to LinkedIn, same thing. Then I go to the keywords in the search bar and I click on content and I find a ton of threads in LinkedIn that people are having conversations about. Then I go to YouTube and I look up how to videos within my industry and I find a ton of videos that are ranking high, a butt load of subscribers, a ton of comments, a ton of views. And I know that that’s a topic that I could go live about. and I’m done. I could do this in 20 minutes or less. And I tell people to do this all the time. Take the guesswork out of it. Just go listen to your industry and it will tell you exactly what you need.
QUIN: Yeah, absolutely. There’s 2 more if you want to add to that then you probably know too and it is Google Trends and a good one is
TRISH LETO: Oh, I never heard of that one. Okay.
QUIN: Answer the public is basically a website that has a very strange looking man with the turtle neck thick sweater and that’s just part of their marketing. It has the top asked questions of the internet by who, what, everything within every niche. So you can see the most…
TRISH LETO: Done! I just went to that website now and now I’m going to make it a favorite. Thank you very much for feeding that to me. And oh, Feedly. Feedly is a free app. If you go into Feedly, you can put in your industry and you can get trending topics on there too.
QUIN: There you go. Perfect.
TRISH LETO: No excuses, right? No excuses.
QUIN: Exactly. And another thing that a lot of people want to know is can you make money with social media? Can entrepreneurs make profit with social media?
TRISH LETO: Yeah. Absolutely. 100%. I mean literally, I just I quit my full-time job from doing live video every day. So what I do for my business is I’d make it my business to understand how social media works. I do motivational speaking. Again I’m a speaker, so the veteran community, the real estate and mortgage community. I’m a consultant. I’ve got private clients that I work with and we talk every week. A lot of it is mindset stuff. What I’ve overcome has inspired other people so they want to work with me to help get them through the same thing. But at the end of the day, you have to understand like what do you really… for me, I do like three lists. What am I good at? Where am I skilled at? Then the second list is of that first list, the second list I go, of the first list what do I actually enjoy doing? And then the third list is of list 2, list number 3 is what can I see myself doing on a regular basis from list number 2?
And then go do some research about that and find out if this is something that’s already happening. Are people already consuming this thing? Whether it’s coaching, consulting or a tangible physical product, if people are already looking for that answer and you have the solution, you can start a business and you can make money online. Just don’t be a douche bag about it. Seriously. 100% there’s plenty of them out there. We all know it.
QUIN: Oh, yeah.
TRISH LETO: So if you’re going to start doing it, do it the right way. Have integrity with it. Make sure that you’re following up, that you care about your clients or customers, whoever you’re working with. And don’t freaking give up. Just do it. You’ve got to go all the way.
QUIN: Absolutely. Trish, so we know that the live video is growing super-fast and all platforms are in love with the live video right now. So LinkedIn has launched a beta for the US only for now where you can do live videos. And the newest one, I don’t know if you know about this one but it’s something that I’m closely related to is Amazon. They decided to jump on the live video but on the seller side of things. So for example as a seller, I can do live video to feature products. And it’s going to be at and I think that’s where you can find all the videos. It’s going to be live videos of products. For me for example on physical products, what do you think would be a way to do live video about a product? I don’t wanna be just, “Here, buy this.”
TRISH LETO: You should never do that. So I love this because I actually have a couple of clients. And I typically don’t touch e-comm at all because I prefer to work with service-based businesses. But from that tangible product based perspective, it’s this: you’ve got attraction marketing and you’ve got experience marketing. So that’s what I try to tell e-comm people to follow those two roles.
If you do a live on Amazon which, holy geez, that’s really exciting. Really exciting. I didn’t even know about that. So now I’m excited so that I can kind of help guide product-based businesses into that piece. And I think that’s going to help you a lot with really getting… I mean you’re essentially doing an infomercial right? And that’s why I say attraction marketing and experience marketing. So the attraction piece is people are going to be attracted to who you are as a person. So you know if you’ve got a product that you’re trying to sell, you can tell people a little bit about yourself and what made you want to present this product. Why are you choosing this product? What’s your experience been with that product? Why do you love it? Do you have any kind of a like a book or course or anything for them to learn from you on how to do sales on Amazon?
Then the experience marketing is what are they going to experience with that product? So showing them real time having a really good camera, something that’s small, something electronic. Hey why does that work? How does it work? I mean you’re doing an infomercial. That’s what you’re doing. So that’s what I would suggest you do is you know intro you, who you are and then let them get attracted to who you are as a person. You’re Canadian. You’re probably going to attract a huge Canadian market.
And then the experience marketing piece, whether you’re holding a specific spice that you love on a piece of pork or whatever or you’re holding up the newest OLIGHT. Who cares? Sell the shit out of it and have fun with it.
QUIN: Yeah. I think this is going to be the easiest way to the know, love and trust because now you’re not just a faceless brand, you’re “Oh that’s the brand that belongs to that guy or that girl.” And a lot of the 7-8 figure brands more than likely will get a spokesperson, somebody that people are going to relate to. Because if you’re selling a kitchen item product you don’t want this person that doesn’t know how to cook. You want, I don’t know, maybe this super nice and kind, older lady that reminds me of my mom. And she’s going to be doing the cooking and she’s gonna be using, for example, my silicon spatula or something like that, yeah.
TRISH LETO: Exactly! Listen, I love cooking. If you want somebody to help you sell a knife you tell me what that knife is and I’ll help you sell it. Oh my god. That is hilarious. Look at that. But you’re 100% right. I literally just sent an email out to my list, I think it was yesterday or two days ago and I said that misconception of “the product sells itself”, the product has never and will never sell itself. It’s people marketing the product that sell the product. Right?
QUIN: Exactly.
TRISH LETO: It’s 100% true. Whether it’s shamwow or Hass avocado. It’s because we saw somebody on an infomercial show us that shamwow and that cloth that it’s going to absorb your stuff and it’s gonna shine your car and this is how it works and it’s amazing. “And oh my god, get it now! And if you buy now we’re gonna throw in a nice set.”
QUIN: Everybody loves him he’s fantastic.
TRISH LETO: You know, but if it’s an avocado people want to go out and buy avocados because they see all these beautiful recipes with avocado slices. Or they see this guacamole and you’re watching something on the Food Network and Bobby Flay’s making this ridiculous fricking guacamole with cilantro and onions. And he had maybe a little liquor in there and fresh lime and some chips. And he’s got this beautiful piece of meat sitting next to it. And you’re like, “Holy crap I got to go to the grocery store right now and buy like ten hass avocados.” Right?
QUIN: Yeah. Trish, I want one right now.
TRISH LETO: It’s attraction marketing and experience marketing. You bring people into that experience. You’re gonna get a 5-star review on that product and you’re going to get different kinds of people who are going to be like, “Dude, I want you to sell my product for me.” In fact, I’m kinda hoping somebody might reach out to me and say “Hey Trish, we want to hire you to do our Amazon lives for us.” Hell yes, I’ll do it.
QUIN: Exactly. So there you go, Trish is available to Amazon lives. She has all the live experience. So tell us then, if people actually want to hire you to do their Amazon live or any kind of live or even train them on how to do lives. You have training for that as well.
QUIN: Where can they find that information?
TRISH LETO: So you can go to I do have my courses on there right now. And I’ve actually just added an entire extra bonus module to that course. I went live on my business page last week for 7 days. And I taught for 7 days. I taught for anywhere between 15 minutes to like an hour long on like everything having to do with live video. So that’s an additional bonus into my course right now. Oh sorry, my battery’s running low on my phone. I got to plug it in soon. But I do have that available that’s on my website. You can go to my website right now and get that course. And then if anybody wants me to speak you can email me, it’s
QUIN: Perfect. So I’m guessing all your training course is done on video?
TRISH LETO: It is done on video. It’s re-purposed Facebook live because why the hell would I do anything different?
QUIN: Absolutely. So you do practice what you preach. That’s very good.
TRISH LETO: Yeah I’ve got live video stuff in there. I coach. I walk people through the entire process. I’ve got tools, resources, templates, the content creation calendar and the 30 in 20 master class are all included in there. And yeah, 100% they get that. And then there’s a private Facebook group that’s attached to that. So I just re-opened the course as a matter of fact. You can go to my website and get that course right now.
QUIN: Awesome. And then on, that’s where we can find your page as well.
TRISH LETO: Yeah and on LinkedIn, I’m Trish Leto and on Instagram I am @theexpertconnection.
QUIN: Awesome. And I see that the 5 Minute Lives, you trademarked that?
TRISH LETO: I did. It’s trademark pending right now. Actually just got some my emails and so I got to start answering some emails. This is a very long and grueling process. If anybody has anything out there that you’re looking to get a trademark on, you better apply for it now. Especially in the US. It is a long process and it is not cheap.
QUIN: Yeah, about 6 to 8 months, correct?
TRISH LETO: If not more than that, yeah. I got my first response back and there are some things that I have to tweak and send back to them. It’s probably gonna take about a year to a year and a half. But its trademark pending and nobody else has it out there. Don’t try to come back with the 4 Minute Lives because it is not gonna survive.
QUIN: Oh, I was just thinking about that, do 6 Minute Lives.
QUIN: Very good. Trish, thank you so much for the time you spent with us and all the golden nuggets. And I hope for the people that are interested to go and find you at Thank you so much and I really appreciate your time.
TRISH LETO: Thank you so much. I appreciate you having me on today. And you have an awesome rest of your day, okay? Talk to you soon.
QUIN: Talk to you soon.
TRISH LETO: Alright, bye.