Entrepreneur, life, and business mastery strategist – Purdeep Sangha

Award-winning author, entrepreneur, life and business mastery strategist – Purdeep Sangha.
Prior to creating his own
firm, our guest was a successful executive entrepreneur in a multi
billion-dollar organization.
He is a award-winning author, an entrepreneur, life and business mastery
strategist. He’s also a husband and a father. Our guest today is Purdeep
Quin: How’s it going?
Purdeep Sangah: Quin, it’s going awesome. Appreciate you having me on the show here.
Quin: No
problem. It’s my pleasure to have you here, Purdeep.
Let’s start with the non-business related stuff. You are a father of how many?
Purdeep Sangah: I have two young ones. A five-year old, almost six, and a three-year old who’s almost four. Man, time flies.
Quin: I know. I have a five-year old that’s gonna turn six and a I had twins that are about to turn two.
Purdeep Sangah: Wow, so you got three. Are you guys done?
Quin: Yes.
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: Technically done. I didn’t get snipped, but technically, we’re done.
Purdeep Sangah: That’s awesome. Your twins, are they girls? Boy-girl?
Quin: One of each, yeah. Boy and a girl.
Purdeep Sangah: Awesome. Awesome. That’s kinda cool.
Quin: Different. It’s incredible how two people can be not only two different people, but they’re twins and they’re so completely different.
Purdeep Sangah: Wow. That’s incredible.
Quin: An introvert and-[laughs] a crazy one
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: Incredible. At the age of two, you can already see the personalities.
Purdeep Sangah: It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? Having kids.
Quin: Yeah, it is. I know you’re from Canada as well. We were just talking earlier and you’re from one of the most beautiful places on earth. Although you did move to Ontario right now, which is, I guess, also a beautiful place.
Purdeep Sangah: Not as nice as BC, that’s for sure.
Quin: Exactly. I guess we all agree on that. BC, Okanagan, it’s probably one of the most beautiful places there is.
Purdeep Sangah: Absolutely.
Quin: Before we get into business, give us a quick story about who you are as a person.
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah, absolutely. If someone’s to ask me who I am, basically I’m a farm boy at heart. I grew up in Kelowna, British Columbia. I grew up on an orchard. My parents were immigrants from India, and that’s pretty much how I grew up. My first earliest memories are that of being on an orchard. My parents, when they used to work, my brother and I, they actually used to put us in an apple bin because they didn’t have shelter sometimes.
I grew up with trees, I grew
up with nature. That’s who I am.
I love jumping on the tractor. It was interesting because my parents, they
obviously wanted me to not have to work as hard as them and they kinda pushed
me down the academic path. Just typical, I think, immigrant family. Especially
Indians are like, “Be a doctor.
Be a lawyer, or an engineer, something.” I went through university. I was
doing sciences and something just struck me and I said, “You know, this
isn’t for me.”
I went into business and from there, I got into the corporate world. In the corporate world, I did very well as a successful executive.
I was in the corporate world for 14 years, but I was miserable.
- A, because I knew that there was a lot more out there to life.
- B, I always wanted to be my own boss because I believe that when you have your destiny in your own hands, you can do a lot more, and I literally just walked in to work one day and I quit.
I just said I’m done, and then people were just looking at me and saying, “Are you crazy?” Even my parents at that time were saying I had everything made for me. They’re like, “What are you doing?” Interesting enough, though, everything fell into place. I was working with entrepreneurs.
Before, I have an extensive background in business. I’ve been studying business for decades, as well as psychology and neuroscience mindfulness, and it just came together that as soon as I got out of the corporate world, a door has just started opening up and I was working with very successful entrepreneurs and helping them grow their business. Then, it led me down to where I am right now, which is really helping people.
If you said outside of being a farm boy, what do I do for an entrepreneurship, my passion is really helping people change their lives and really helping them to see life from a different perspective. I don’t know about you, Quin, but I see so many people struggling today not being as happy as they could be, and more people stressed out, feeling anxiety. They don’t have the health that they should have and impacts not only them, their families, so for me, it’s a personal mission. Last year, I actually lost my father.
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah, just a sudden heart attack.
Quin: Sorry to hear that
Purdeep Sangah: Thank you.
It was something devastating, but it’s something that really pushed me down
this path even further. It was something really woke me up because you can lose
anybody in an instant. You can lose anybody in a heartbeat.
Quin: I lost mine two months ago.
Purdeep Sangah: Did you?
Quin: Yeah.
Purdeep Sangah: Wow. I’m so sorry to hear that.
Quin: Thanks.
Just to reiterate what you were just mentioning, right?
In a heartbeat, we can lose anybody.
Purdeep Sangah: You can. I know we’re talking about a subject, but two days
ago, I just lost my uncle.
My dad’s younger brother just passed away. He went into sleep, he had a heart
attack. He went peacefully.
But it just tells us how gentle and how sensitive life can be sometimes and we
just have to appreciate it for what it is.
That’s how I live life. I’m not big into the material world. I do very well, but my life really about the relationships that I have with my family, my kids, and helping other people because that’s my passion. I love to see people laugh, I love to see people smile, I love to see people just live out their dreams. That for me is everything.
Quin: That’s amazing It’s really a great philosophy and a way to live your life. I’m turning that way as well. Of course, there’s always have to be something in your life that hits you to change you, right?
Purdeep Sangah: Yes.
Quin: We
always change, but it’s slowly, right?
Purdeep Sangah: Yup.
Quin: Now,
when something does strike you, and you can change faster. When somebody like
you really wants to help, I do the same thing, so I know you know the feeling
it is when you actually know you helped somebody because I’ve been on both
I’ve been helped as well and it’s such a great feeling. Helping somebody feels
better than being helped. I believe so.
Purdeep Sangah: Yes. I agree, too.
Sometimes, for us guys, too, it’s tough to get help from other people. That’s
why I actually started this new business with the male entrepreneurs because
there were so many guys that were struggling and they didn’t need to struggle.
They don’t have to struggle. Yet based on our pride and our ego sometimes, we
don’t actually reach out for help.
Absolutely. Just for the audiences listening, that is The Male Entrepreneur
that you guys can find at TheMaleEntrepreneur.com
That is Purdeep’s business.
About that, Purdeep, I wanna ask you, did you ever get any social media
slapping, basically for working with men only?
Purdeep Sangah: Yes. I did at the beginning, and I would have, because I do
have female clients as well.
I just don’t strictly focus on men. I do have someone in that say, “Hey,
can you help me?”
And I definitely take them on. But my focus is really on men, and for two
reasons. One is because I’m a man, I’ve been there.
I’ve experienced the challenges. I know what men go through. But two, because
they’re very unreserved right now.
I provide a very open, a
very constructive, and a very insightful but also a very safe atmosphere for
men to be able to open up and actually share their challenges and actually help
them break through their roadblocks.
Yes, I had women that would just say, “Well, isn’t this sexist?” Even
some of my own friends.
I’ll give you an example. ‘Cause I have the brand, it’s called The Male Entrepreneur, I have t-shirts, and some of my friends were even like, “I want a shirt but I don’t know if I can wear it because I have female clients and I don’t want them to look at me like it’s kinda off side.”
But that’s my whole point,
Honestly, I openly ask for people to comment. I openly ask people to challenge
me because this isn’t about male chauvinism.
This is about aligning men with who they are and a lot of people don’t
understand that right now, what’s happening in society is that people are
putting down masculinity. People are putting down what it is to be a man.
If we continue down this
path, it’s gonna be a very dangerous path because the structure, the family
unit of a family is made of a woman who typically has more feminine energy and
a man that has more masculine energy.
If you take the masculine energy away from a man, you’re taking the man out of
As you know, you have young children, this is the biggest thing that hit me, the first thought that went through my mind when I lost my father was, “How am I gonna teach my son to be the man that my dad taught me to be?”
Quin: Yes. Yes.
Purdeep Sangah: That was the first thing. I just said, “Wow, there’s so
much I didn’t learn from my dad.
I wish I would’ve taken more time to learn from him from that standpoint.”
When my dad will walk into a room, he’s a big guy, very statured, you could
just feel his presence.
That’s what being a man is about. When you walk into a room, you want your
family to feel the presence like, “Okay, my husband’s here. My dad’s here.
Everything is safe. Everything is going to be okay regardless of what happens.
He’s there to protect us.”
Quin: Purdeep, have you ever heard of Jordan Harbinger? He had a huge podcast. It was the Art of Charm, and now he has the Jordan Harbinger Show.
Purdeep Sangah: No, I haven’t.
Quin: He’s one
of the top worldwide. It’s 12 years old. He’s one of the original podcasters
Once, he said, “You guys should interview your dads, or your mom and your
dad. Even if you don’t air it on your shows or whatever, if you have a show, at
least, you can interview your dad, for example, as if you were interviewing
anybody else and ask them things.
You’ll find out things that you never knew before about your own dad, about
your family. You can keep that as a memory for when they leave.”
Purdeep Sangah: Wow.
Quin: I kept
this in my mind. I’m like, “I gotta do that. I gotta do that.” Guess
what? I didn’t do it.
It’s such a great thing when you can have a third-party view of what’s actually
inside your own family’s mind.
How did you grow up? Were you entrepreneurial?
“I just didn’t have the chance to start a business in 1950 or ’60.”
Those kinda things.
Purdeep Sangah: Wow.
Quin: Just
like you said, I wanna make sure my dad, he did impress me.
He was the most amazing human being ever, so I wanna make sure my kids have
that as well. He was very masculine.
Doesn’t mean that he was against, that’s what people think if you’re masculine,
you are against women.
There, I guess, how can I put this? You know this better than anybody. You
could be very masculine and still be the best father, the best husband. Help
your wife in the kitchen, do the dishes. Right?
Purdeep Sangah: Yup. Absolutely. Yeah, that’s awesome.
That idea of yours is absolutely brilliant.
You should spread that out there to every podcaster to really interview their
parents ’cause, man, that just struck me ’cause I’m thinking the same thing. It
would’ve been nice to have my dad on the show.
Quin: [laughs] Yeah. I interviewed my mom.
Purdeep Sangah: You did? Great.
Quin: I have that saved. Now, I actually, 100%, I learned things that what she used the think growing up, that I have never, never in a million years I would imagine.
Purdeep Sangah: Wow.
Quin: It’s a great tool to have.
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah. Amazing.
Quin: Let’s get back into this. Is masculinity toxic? This is something that’s been discussed since in the beginning of 2019. Because Gillette commercial’s all that, there is such thing every story [inaudible 13:28].
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah.
Quin: What do you think about that?
Is masculinity toxic?
Purdeep Sangah: I would say I’m gonna have to think a different perspective from here. I’m gonna say it is toxic if you don’t have enough of it. If we take a look at the energies of men, every man has both masculine and feminine energy here. My background is actually mindfulness and spirituality as well. If you take a look at what happens is every female has masculine and feminine energy as well, but females have more feminine energy, men have more masculine.
The whole thing there is if a man doesn’t have enough masculine energy, and I’m talking about heterosexual men, not a gay man, but if a heterosexual man doesn’t have that masculine energy, he doesn’t have that self-confidence and he has to do things that might not be appropriate. I’m not talking about all guys that really make themselves feel better.
Perfect example is someone
like Trump or people that actually do things like sexual harassment or
Those are the guys that are not masculine. Those are the guys that are lacking
masculine because pure masculinity, if you take a look at it, does not need to
do unjust things to prove our masculinity.
When you say, “Is
masculinity toxic,” I would say yes, if you don’t have it.
The analogy that I like to use is big dogs versus little dogs. I have big dogs
and I understand that.
Some of my friends have little dogs and I always laugh ’cause the little dog’s
always yapping away.
They’re always yapping and they’re nipping, and my dog is just like a gentle
giant. They’re like that because they know where they stand in the packing
order. They don’t need to do anything to make people feel uncomfortable.
Quin: That’s
the best analogy ever. Do you ever see that there’s a meme going around where,
it’s true story, they grab a cheetah, which, it’s the fastest treasure animal
on earth, and they put a cheetah racing with hound dogs, or those race dogs,
whatever they’re called.
There’s five dogs and then a cheetah.
When they opened the gates to start the race, the cheetah didn’t move and all
the dogs started racing like crazy.
Then, the moral of the story was that when you are the best, like the cheetah,
they can do, is that 80-mile per hour?
Purdeep Sangah: Pretty fast, yeah. Pretty close to that.
Quin: Yeah. Putting her against the dogs, it didn’t move because there’s nothing to prove here.
Feminine energy is more flowing, more wild and likes to challenge things
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah. [chuckles] I love that. That’s awesome. That’s a prime example. I think what has happened in society is that people have really taken and misconstrued what masculinity is. First of all, most people don’t understand it. I can go into it a little bit here, what masculine energy is. It’s very still, it’s very strong, it’s very peaceful. It’s also very dominating but it’s also very goal-oriented and task-focused.
If you take a look at how men evolved over the years through the cavemen ages, we were the hunters. We went out there. You pick a target, a prey, and you had to hunt it because that’s how you provided for your family. That is how men are. That’s how the masculine energy are.
While feminine energy is more what I like to say flowing. It’s more wild. Feminine energy actually likes to challenge things. It actually likes to challenge the masculine. If you’ve ever had in your relationship with your spouse, if your woman is challenging you, for example, that’s a good thing. As long as it’s not criticism, but she’s challenging you because she’s testing to see if you can stay in your masculine energy. That’s how you know that you’re
Feminine energy is flowing. It’s very creative. All these things like the arts
and crafts, that’s feminine energy. That’s why we have this polar attraction.
That’s why men are attracted to women, because we’re completely different. As
you can know as a man, we have that confidence in strength but sometimes we
look through our women for that variety, that flow.
We wanna feel their energy. We wanna feel like we’re free because a lot of times, as guys, we don’t feel that freedom. We have to be solid all the time. We have to be totally still. Even if there’s complete chaos outside, whether it’s a hurricane or a fire, you experienced that, right?
Quin: Yes. Yeah.
Purdeep Sangah: You have to be the solid one in that family, and so we looked towards our women to provide us that variety, that flow, that creativity. This is where people get it construed and they say just because a man is aggressive and he does this, hey, that’s completely wrong. That has nothing to do with masculinity. That’s either stupidity or immaturity.
Quin: Nice. Nice. Nice. I really love that and the fact that you went and explained because there’s also, I don’t know if you Lewis Howes, he launched a book called The Masks of Masculinity. You ever see that?
Purdeep Sangah: I think so. Yeah.
Quin: Basically, it is the fact that a lot of men, and most men, have to change masks depending on who they’re present with and who they’re talking to. They gotta change to show you’re more male, your last. you know? Most men have to go through that, sometimes showing something that is not real. That’s not who they really are, but that’s what society wants to see.
Understanding Male Energy is the first step
Purdeep Sangah: Exactly. That’s the difference between who a man is internally, and that’s really where I help the guys, just really help them with their masculinity internally because there’s a difference between masculinity and the mask that you’re talking about because that is just ego. When you put that ego up, it’s like putting on a show all the time. It becomes tiring. It becomes very exhausting, and you can’t be yourself.
That’s why if you’re really in tune with your masculine energy, understanding it is the first step. Really understanding what masculine energy is, and then through other techniques like mindfulness, or really getting deep into who you are as an individual, you will understand that you don’t need to put that show on anymore. You have a set of confidence. It’s a real confidence. It’s a comforting confidence, and people will look at you differently. You’ll look at yourself differently and you’ll actually be able to perform better.
I first started working with guys, male entrepreneurs even though my background is business. I’ve let pretty much every division in a corporate environment so I’m very in tune in marketing sales, operations. I would go in there and help them grow their business. But 80% of the work that I would do with them is on the life side. I realized that it’s not the strategies and tactics that will help you be successful in business in life. It’s really the life-mastery. It’s the self-mastery.
That’s why I focused so much now on, my motto is “Master yourself and you can master your life.” Because the strategy and tactics, that’s the easy stuff. It’s mastering yourself, because it all comes down to two things, and life is simply two things. It’s the decisions you make and the actions you take, and it’s just a series. Every single day, every single moment, it’s decisions and actions.
If you can nail that down, you’re never gonna be perfect, but if you can nail and just understand and say, “Okay, everything that I’m doing is just a decision. I can decide to do this or I can decide to do that.” It becomes almost like a game and it becomes fun.
Quin: I’m so
glad you mentioned that because I read something you said once. It was,
“Mastering yourself through elevating your thoughts, emotions and energy
is the most powerful way to take your business in life to the next level.”
Purdeep Sangah: Yes.
Quin: If I read this 10 years ago, being completely honest here with you, if I read this 10 years ago, I probably would’ve blocked you in all social media.
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: Right?
Purdeep Sangah: Yep. [laughs]
Quin: Reading that today, I think, “This man is a genius.” Please explain to us what this means, elevating our thoughts and energy. Explain to the people that are not at that level yet what this means and what can we do with this.
I take into it transformational psychology and neuroscience, and basically, mindfulness
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah, absolutely. As I mentioned before, I take into it transformational psychology and neuroscience, and basically, mindfulness. Mindfulness is more of an ancient art. Science is really my background. You have to understand that everything that we do right now for the most people is that we’re putting on autopilot.
Our brain is an organ that
is very efficient. It actually consumes 20% of our calories. But in order to be
efficient, what it does is it creates patterns.
It creates patterns. If you do something you do something today and you do
something tomorrow, your brain automatically recognizes it and says,
“Okay, this is a pattern. I’ll just continue to do it.” What ends up
You continue to have the same thoughts over and over again and create the same emotions and so basically, your brain is running you. What you need to do, and this is why mindfulness is so important. This is why traditional mindfulness exercises and meditation is important, because you actually interrupt that pattern and you take control of your system rather than your brain taking control of you.
Most people, most men and women, ’cause I’m gonna talk to everybody here, they’re misaligned in some way shape or form. If I ask 10 people, I say, “Hey, look. How are you feeling in life?” They might say, “Good,” or whatever and I really get down into it because I’m really good at asking pointy questions, 90% of people will have something that they’re not happy about in their life that’s weighing them down.
It is one of three things. one is they don’t have the energy. They just peel off. The second one is their thoughts. They have these crazy thoughts like they’re not good enough, or maybe their spouse might leave them, or maybe they’re just not being a good parent or maybe not a good son, or a wife, or whoever it is.
That is their thought pattern because our brain, on average, we have 60-80,000 thoughts a day. And 47% of the time on average, we’re not controlling our thoughts. Our mind just wanders. Where does our mind wander to? To all the craziest places that we don’t want it to go to. Like, “Am I gonna have enough money to pay the bills today? What if I don’t get additional clients? What if my kids get sick?” Or, “God forbid, something happens to my kids.” All these crazy things that run through your mind.
Then, you have emotions on top of that. You have these emotions because everytime you think something, you have chemical reactions that create emotions. Most people don’t realize we like to think that we’re creatures of logic, especially men. But we’re not. Science and research is showing that up to 95% of our decisions are based on our emotions and what ends up happening is when we feel an emotion, we make a decision, and then we use our logic to confirm our emotion and our decision.
Quin: Confirmation Bias
“Purdeep, how do you know you have life energy?”
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah, exactly. It just creates that cycle. I can take it from a
different perspective, from a spiritual perspective, you have your mind body
and soul. You have this internal energy in you.
If you align your energy, your life energy, people say, “Purdeep, how do
you know you have life energy?”
Well, I say, “Are you walking? Are you talking? Are you taking a
“That means you have energy.”
What happens if you died?
You turn into dust or whatever. Okay, so you have no energy when you die.
Therefore, you have energy right now. You have life energy. No one can refute
that. Your life energy has to be in line with your thoughts and your emotions.
Most people are not aligned and that’s why they have some kind of conflict in
their life, whether it’s in their values or whether who they think they
What ends up happening is they’re not making effective decisions. They’ll decide to do something but then, when they take action, they’re not committed to it fully and so what ends up happening, they take three steps forward and then they might take two steps back. Or life might hit them. They might be in this personal situation where maybe their relationship isn’t going as well and then they lay off the gas, and then they start moving away from their goals or what they want out of life.
Life is just this pattern of thoughts, emotions in your life energy. When you align those, you really unlock what I call, it’s an inner force. You know this, and you may have felt this at some point in time when you feel completely like you’re on the ball. You’re completely focused and anything that comes in your way, it doesn’t matter. You don’t flinch. You’re just like, “I got this. I can overcome this and I can blast through this.” But how often does that occur for most people?
Maybe 2% of the time. Maybe 5% of the time. Most people don’t feel it the majority of the waking moment. That’s where if you can get yourself aligned, then you can feel those emotions, that power within you, to be able to take on things that you normally wouldn’t. For entrepreneurs, they, entrepreneurs, you are your biggest asset in your business and in your life. But you are also your biggest road block. That what it comes down to. If you can step out of your own way, you can create the life and the business that you want.
Quin: How easy is it to do this? To step out of own way? Like you said, our brain follows patterns. It’s the easiest way. It’s the low hanging fruit, the branch just follows that. We even wrote it down, what you said. Your brain is running you. How can we fight that? I want to run my own brain. The biggest goal right now is to be the master of my brain and try to get some subconscient help in there because I know that’s even more powerful than our conscient brain, right?
Purdeep Sangah: Absolutely.
Quin: How can I do this?
The biggest goal right now is to be the master of my brain and try to get some subconscient help
Purdeep Sangah: There’s a system. This is where I tell people it’s almost like a caution. There’s a lot of books out there when it comes to, you could read on mindset, you can read on your emotions, but no one really gives you a full force system. This is where I spend actually two days, or two days. That’s next to nothing. Basically two decades creating a system.
It’s a 10-point system that really nails down the components to align everything. Because to have transformation, to have really a shift in taking control of your brain, you have to hit every major point. If you’re just focusing on one specific thing just by reading a book, it’s not gonna change your system. It’s not enough momentum to actually change something.
Long story short, here’s how you can do it. Really, first of all, you need to focus on what I call your life energy. There’s three things in your life energy. The first thing is you need to be in the present moment ’cause most people spend 10% of their time in the present moment. They’re always thinking about the future and they’re thinking about the past.
What ends up happening then is you lose all power because you have no power in the future. You have no power in the past. Here’s a simple example, Quin. If I asked you, “Can you hit a baseball tomorrow? Or can you hit a baseball yesterday?” What would your answer be?
Quin: I’m probably neither one. [laughs]
You’re out of your masculine energy, and you need to be aware of that
Purdeep Sangah: No. The only time you can hit a baseball is in this moment. If you understand this concept, this will change your perspective on life. If you understand that the only power that you have is right now, you can change your future. But you can’t change your future by just thinking about your future. You have to do something about it today, so be in the present moment. That’s the first thing.
The second thing is you need to understand whether you’re man or you’re woman, the masculine versus the feminine energy. Because we can be imbalanced. If I’m in my relationship with my wife and she’s feeling down and she needs someone to connect to, I’m gonna be more on my feminine energy because I need to connect with her. But if she needs something more strength, something more solid, more piece, then I’m gonna be in my masculine energy.
If I’m in my business and
I’m working on this tough task, then I need to be in my masculine. If I come
across a roadblock, I need to be in my masculine because I need to be
completely confident with who I am and not have any self-doubt.
The moment I say, “Am I not good enough to do this?
What if I don’t have enough money to do this?
Or what if this fails?”
You’re out of your masculine energy, and you need to be aware of that. Awareness
is the biggest thing.
The third part to this life
energy, what I call, component, is really your focus.
Where you put your focus determines the level of energy you have. Do you focus
on possibility or do you focus on things that have gone wrong?
Do you focus on, “Hey, look. You are the master of your destiny”?
Or are you basically the slave to your circumstances?
Do you focus on positive things versus negative things?
Every single focus that you have determines you actually move forward or you
move backwards.
Just simple awareness, Quin,
is the simplest things.
It’s a checkpoint that I have. It’s a system now. I just go boom, boom, boom,
boom, boom and I say, “Am I in the present moment?
Yes or no. Okay, yes, I am.
Am I in my masculine energy? Yes or no. Okay, I am.
Am I focusing on the right things? No. Okay, so this is where I need to pay
attention to.”
Then, I go now to the next level, which is really mastering your
mind. This is what you’re talking about from the brain perspective.
The first one is life energy, the second one is your mind. Your mind is three components, really. If take a look at this, your mind is made up of two things, your brain and your thoughts. It’s like the hardware system of a computer and your software system. Your brain is the hardware, your thoughts is the software.
Your mind, you need to take
a look at it from three different angles. The first one is you need to have an
identity. Who are you? If someone asked you, “Who are you?” What
would you say? When someone asked me who I am, I have three things.
I’m a visionary, I’m a leader, and I’m a driver.
That’s how I live my life. Every decision is based on those three
characteristics, so I would highly recommend everybody to write down three.
I wouldn’t put down any more than three, but three characteristics for your
identity. Why is this so important?
Because the strongest force of your brain is to be consistent with who you
think you are.
Quin: Just to go a bit deeper on that point, you are not what you do, right?
Purdeep Sangah: No. You are not what you think. You are who you are, and you have to understand that. I’ve done stuff in the past that I’m not proud of. But you have to understand that your brain will produce thoughts that are not you. You have to step back and understand that you have life energy. You are your life energy. You have a soul. Just know that your brain is just an evolution. It’s an organ.
It’s just like a heart.
Sometimes it skips a beat.
Sometimes it produces thoughts that are not you.
Don’t take it at heart. But this is where you control it. This is where you
take control of your mind and you say, “This is who I am.
I’ve written these three characteristics down, brain, now you switch on. This
is what you’re going towards.” The brain is an amazing organ because
it follows a goal.
You have to give it that
goal. Otherwise, it will create its own goal. Create a goal for your identity
and it will do things towards consistency, then.
The second part is your values. Most people don’t understand or don’t know what
their values are.
The values are simply just how you behave and what’s important to you. Write
down your top 10 values because you will soon realize that the way you live may
not be what you think are your values and you may be missing some values in
terms of how you’re living, or maybe there’s something conflicting. I see this
all the time.
This was something that person went through because part of my life, I went through the majority of my life not valuing money. The time when I didn’t value money, I didn’t have as much money as I wanted to. But the moment I started saying, “I’m gonna value abundance. That’s gonna be a part of my thing. I don’t value money per se, but I can value what money can do for other people or my family and helping people.” That shifted. My whole financial systems are shifted.
What you value is very important to you. Whether you value family, whether you value health. Whatever it is, write them down because then, you will be more consistent with that and you will also notice whether something is missing and whether something is conflicting in it. The third part to your mind is also your filters.
Everybody has a filter, and you have thousands of filters. Basically, every single thing that you look at, if you and I were to take a look at something, we would see the exact same thing but in a different perspective. We could look at a white wall and you might see a different shade that I will see, and it’s because you have a different filter than I do. Your filters are created by how your brain evolves up until about the time you’re eight years old.
The majority of filters that
you have today, that you’re using today in terms of how you see the world has
been created within the first eight years of your life. How crazy is that? That
we’re still looking at things the same way we did at the time we’re eight
years, we just don’t know it.
We think we’re more mature but subconsciously, we have those same things. Just
be aware of that.
If you’re reacting to
something, if you’re thinking about something, all you do is a simple exercise
I tell people do. Just think of like you’re wearing a set of glasses and you’re
saying, “What lens am I looking at this through?
What if I put on a different filter?” Or, “Is this lens, is it
Does my prescription need to be changed because this lens is from when I was a
kid? It’s no longer applicable so let me throw that away?”
Those are the types of lenses that you have, filters that you have in your life that you have to constantly reevaluate. If you can do those three things, identify your identity, you put down your values, and you determine your filters and you constantly reevaluate them, you will have control over your mind. But then you also have to take a look at your emotions which is the last component.
Your emotions are the most powerful thing. That’s why I want people to realize this. Every single thing that a person does, that you do in life, is for one reason. It’s because you want to feel something. Not because you wanna think something, not because you want to have something. Because you want to feel something. Every single thing you do is based on a feeling.
Even if you buy a Ferrari, for example. It’s not the Ferrari, it’s what it makes you feel like when you’re in that Ferrari, when you drive it. It’s not about the food itself, it’s how the food makes you feel when you eat it. It’s all about feelings and emotions. Understand that, because the quality of your life will be tenfold if you understand that you should live your life based on your emotions.
Write down the top three or five emotions that you wanna feel in life
The biggest easiest thing to do is write down the top three or five emotions that you wanna feel in life, whether it’s more joy, more inner peace, more fulfillment, and then you work backwards and you say, “What kind of life do I need to create to have this emotions?” It’s funny because I work with guys that are making eight, nine figures and they’re like, “I want more inner peace.” Okay, that’s great. How do you create inner peace? “Well, spending more time with my family. Maybe not working as much.” Exactly, but what they’ve done is the complete opposite way. They create a lifestyle based on making money and now, they don’t have the inner peace that they want.
You have to work towards and understand that if you want a massive corporation and then a billion dollar organization, for example, you might not have the inner peace that you want, eventually. Be aware of that. Awareness is absolutely the most important thing. I tell everybody to do what I call an hourly emotional check. There’s apps out there that you can get with mood meters and stuff like that that can remind you every hour that basically says, “How are you feeling right now?”
Because if you have a goal to feel like you’re joyful but right now, at this moment, something reminds me and I check my feelings and I say, “I’m not feeling very joyful. I can actively be like, “What do I need to do to be more joyful?” Awareness is the first part. The second is physiology.
As I mentioned, your body, your emotions, are just chemical reactions to your thoughts, so your physiology. If you have ever seen a depressed person, what do they look like? They’re usually hunched over. They’re not full stature. They don’t have their chest out, they don’t look confident, right? Or someone that’s sad, it’s the exact same thing.
Your body is a reflection of your emotions, and your body can actually change your emotions. This is all through evolution, too. If you feel fear, what happens? You have blood rushing through your feet. Why? Because through evolution, you need to run fast if you feel fear, so that blood will actually run to your feet and that’s how we’re designed.
You can feel emotions in your body. If you’re feeling anxious, you’re gonna feel it maybe in your gut, maybe in your chest area. If you’re feeling angry, you’re gonna feel it in your face because your face goes flush, because that’s a sign for other people, from an evolutionary standpoint, “Don’t mess with me. I’m pissed off.” And it also goes through your hands. What automatically happens? You clench your fists because the blood goes there to say, “Hey, maybe I need to strike.” Your body is a representation of your emotions.
But by changing your body,
your physiology, you can actually change your emotions. By breathing deeper,
for example. If you’re feeling stressed, you hear this all the time, you go for
a run and do some exercise.
Yes, because that changes your body. It’s now been proven. Now, research shows
that if you’re not feeling confident, if you stand up, you do a power pose with
your chest out, your fist on your hips just like a superman pose, two minutes
of that will actually boost your testosterone levels and your levels of
confidence. Be aware of your physiology.
Third component for that is
really your words, and your words are so important. Every single thing that you
say, you have to watch because who is the person that’s listening to your words
the most?
You are. Your brain is. Everytime you say something, it’s going right back into
your ear and your brain is actually producing chemicals to be consistent with
what you say. That’s why when you hear people say, “I’m sick. I’m not
feeling well,” what ends up happening? They actually get sick because
their brain actually produces chemicals to be consistent.
Remember what I said, your brain, the most powerful force, it tries to be consistent with who you think you are. The moment you say, “I’m sick,” that’s what your brain is gonna start producing. If you say, “I’m great. I’m doing well,” your brain will actually start producing more positive chemicals and endorphins in your body. Be aware of your words. Words are very powerful. Affirmations are great. Repeat what you want out of life. How you feel about yourself. What you tell yourself, your stories, that’s very important.
Those are the nine points for that system of really taking control of yourself. But the 10th point, which is actually what I call, it’s like turning up the volume on your stereo, for example. It’s increasing the amplitude. I’m gonna go down a little bit of a rabbit hole here, Quin, if that’s okay.
Quin: Okay.
Purdeep Sangah: Obviously, our living being, if you take a look at them, I’m talking about quantum physics here, this has been proven by science, is that every single living thing and non-living thing actually has a frequency. We’re emitting frequencies based on our energy levels. By the words I say, by the physical, my emotions, everything is just radiating frequencies, and you kinda actually mentioned that. In the spiritual world, people call that an aura, right?
Quin: Yeah.
These frequencies that you have in life sometimes get thrown offlap
Purdeep Sangah: These frequencies that you have in life sometimes get thrown offlap. What ends up happening? You go through life, you have these injustices. Sometimes, you might have tough parents, you might have failed in school, or you got beat up or picked on or bullied, whatever it is, bad relationships, your frequency gets thrown off. What ends up happening is people tone down themselves. They turn the volume down in terms of who they believe they are. Who they want to be in life.
If you look at most people, they are not who they want to be. They don’t act like they want to be. Even if they are, they’re not turning up the volume. I’m not talking about being extroverted. I’m just talking about being certain about who you are. So, turning up the volume, what I call turning up the amplitude is, “If I’m in a state of being happy, I’m gonna turn that up. I’m gonna turn up the amplitude. Why am I just gonna sit here and feel a little bit of happiness? I wanna feel a lot of happiness.”
Just thinking of yourself like a stereo and saying, “Hey, how do I dial this up,” you can actually create a higher frequency within yourself and actually create more energy and more of those feelings that you want to create. By doing all 10 of those things, you are actually going to change yourself. The biggest thing I can say on top of that is in order to do that and really align it, meditation is important, because what meditation does is, it’s proven now with science, they’ve done brain scans, is it actually, what they call it is it creates coherence.
For most people, the way we live our life is we have so much stress, so much anxiety, so many thoughts running through our mind that our brain is actually shooting off. Just think about different firecrackers shooting off in your brain. You have about 85 billion cells in your brain, which is a lot. You have trillions of neural connections. I think the last time that they said was like almost a quadrillion, actually systems firing off every single minute. Do you know how much that is? That is astronomical.
Scientists still say the human brain is the most complex thing that they’ve ever come across the entire universe. What this means is that you gotta quiet that sucker down. You gotta calm it down because if those firecrackers keep going off, you’re just like all over the place. What meditation does is that actually quiets down parts of your brain, and when it quiets the brain down, everything starts to sync. It starts to sync together. Your thoughts start to sync together.
The other part, which is actually, it’s absolutely phenomenal, it’s what they call heart-mind coherence. It’s that your brain, there’s three intelligences that you have in your human body. One is your brain. This [inaudible 44:07] up here. The second is your heart. Amazingly enough, your heart has its own intelligence because as an embryo, your heart develops before your brain develops.
Think about this. Your heart is created before your brain, which is crazy. Then, you also have your, what we call the microbiome, which is your gut. Your gut, there’s like tens and thousands of different types of bacteria in your gut. They’re talking to each other all the time, and telling you how to react, how to digest food and actually send chemicals through your intestine. These three different intelligences are constantly communicating with thsemselves and with each other.
What ends up happening is, when you meditate, it shuts off all the chatter, it allows your body to heal itself. ‘Cause your body has the functionality to heal itself, physically. You can actually change the DNA. It’s called neuroplasticity. They’ve shown this now that meditation can change that. But what ends up happening is your heart will actually sync up with your head.
I’ve experienced this myself
through some test that we’ve done, and through meditative exercises where you
can see now that the pattern of my heart, it’s called the heart variability,
starts to sync up with my brainwaves and you can see this on graphs where,
let’s just say, for listeners, you can’t see this, but just think of two
different brainwaves and they’re going off and they’re not in sync.
But when you’re in the state of meditation, your brainwaves and your heart
variability will actually start to go more in sync.
What does that do?
You feel like you’re in inner peace. You feel like you’re at harmony, and you
can actually create things. That’s a state of creation, right? People are
talking about manifestation sometimes.
That’s a state where you can really tap in and to not only the quantum physical
world, but some people might call the spiritual world, but this is a world of
really being true to yourself.
This is where you really
say, “Man, it doesn’t matter what I have. It doesn’t matter whether my
business is making money right now or not making money. I feel good. I feel
great.” The moment that you put yourself in a position of that power,
guess what happens?
You have more control.
When you’re in control, you can make better decisions and take better action.
Therefore, your business will get better as a result to that.
There, this is a kinda long winded answer, but that’s how you take control of
Quin: Man,
listening to you, I’m just so fascinated because everything you talked about,
man, I completely love this subject. Getting into this, but of course, compared
to you, I’m an amateur, I wanna present and I wanna focus on the possibility,
not what the negative outcomes are.
Being positive, all that stuff. With all that said, so many questions came up.
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: As a podcaster, because you’re a podcaster as well, one of the worst things is that when you’re interviewing somebody, you gotta be thinking, “I’m gonna ask him something next, of course,” right?
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: You gotta be thinking that, and sometimes, when you’re thinking of what to ask next, you actually forget to listen what the person told you. When you hear your podcast or when you’re editing it, you hear the interview, I’m like, “This is such a fantastic interview.” But you missed it thinking of the questions. Now, with you, I couldn’t think-
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: -enough. There’s so many questions come up about the emotions, the affirmations. For example, I wanna ask you about the affirmations. Let’s start with that.
Purdeep Sangah: Yep.
Quin: I hear the, “I am” affirmations.
Purdeep Sangah: Yes.
Quin: Let’s say, go to Youtube, there’s like eight hours of “I am wealthy. I love myself.” All these “I am.” I often turn them on when I go to bed and I let it be on, hoping that it does work for me. Let me hear your opinion. Do you think it does work when I go to bed and I hear these positive affirmations for six, seven hours?
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah. It works to a certain degree, it will. Because anything
that you put into your mind subconsciously, it will work. But here’s how the
brain works. You have different centers.
You have what we call the occipital center, which is what you see. You have the
auditory centers, you have memory centers.
What ends up happening? The best time to do affirmations is to combine
every single thing at the same time.
You need to be in a state where you’re fully engaged. You’ve seen something and you’re saying it. You don’t have to yell it out loud but the more senses, I want you to think about the five senses that you have, the sight, touch, taste, hearing, the more of those that you can incorporate into your affirmations, the more it is going to stick because it’s hitting every one of those different parts of your brain.
Think about you’re hitting
more targets because if you’re just hearing something, it’s just hitting the
auditory part of your brain. It’s not hitting the visual, or the feeling part,
either. When you’re doing affirmations, include other things in there as well.
Physical activity, for example. Get your motions up there. Your whole brain
will be fired up. What you’re trying to do is you’re to get it into your
memory. You’re trying to get it into your long-term memory, so get more senses
in there.
Take a look, write them down, one of the five senses and say, “How can I
incorporate more of these senses into my affirmations?” That’s what you
need to do.
Quin: Wow.
Wow. Man, thank you. Thank you. Another one is being present. That’s something
I’m trying very hard, actually, to do constantly because I don’t know if you or
a lot of the people listening ever witnessed something that, somebody that you
see everyday, for example, my five-year old daughter, I see her everyday since
the day she was born, almost.
Sometimes, when I become 100% present, I look at her, I’m like, “Wow.
Where did you come from?”
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: “You are not that little girl that you were the last time I looked at you like this.” That means, although I think I’m present a lot of the times, you’re not 100% present because so many things amid important things that we miss because we’re not present were in the past or in the future. Like you said, I cannot hit a baseball yesterday.
Purdeep Sangah: No.
Quin: It’s so powerful. So powerful. About focus on the possibilities, focus on the positive things, something that I try very hard as well, I heard that most human beings spend 95% of their thoughts, are not positive, are negative outcomes of things. Do you agree with that?
Purdeep Sangah: I would say depends on the person. If we take a look on average. The everyday person, I could see that happening. It’s just a function of society today, especially with the news and the media, and what’s happening out there. I think things are changing. We know that depression and anxiety is actually increasing for every single generation than before. I know that for sure because studies have shown that.
I also know that the technology is not helping either. I don’t know if it’s quite that high, but I know that it’s actually getting worse and people are feeling more anxious and more fearful when they don’t need to be in one.
Quin: Nice. Since you mentioned technology, it’s so helpful. The science, in time, I believe it’s very, very harmful for us. Because of technology, we’re living in the best time ever to grab new opportunities when it comes to entrepreneurship. But because of this, most action takers, and I believe myself to be an action taker, start suffering from the shiny object syndrome and FOMO, like fear missing out. I see new and new things and I’m like, “I’m missing out on this. I’m not doing email marketing. I’m not doing Bitcoin.”
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: It is helping us and at the same time, it is hurting us a lot. I think it’s possible to control your fear of missing out on the shiny object syndrome. Can we control this 100%?
Everybody has a fear of missing out.
Purdeep Sangah: Absolutely. The first thing to do is understand that everybody
has a fear of missing out. That’s because what ends up happening is you don’t
have those core emotions of inner peace that you’re looking for. The most
important thing to do is be comfortable with who you are. Not what you’re
doing, not what you have. If you understand that, then you don’t have the fear
of missing out as much.
The reason why people fear missing out is because they’re not feeling who they want to be in that moment. If you have complete peace in that moment about yourself, you’re not feeling fear that, “I’m gonna miss out on that.” Why? Because you’re already feeling great right now. If you aren’t feeling great right now, you might be like, “You know what? I am missing out. Maybe that’s why I’m not feeling good right now. If I don’t pick that up, I’m gonna feel even worse.”
As entrepreneurs, we need to remember that the most important thing that you can do is spend your time wisely. 80% of business is self-mastery. It’s not strategies and tactics. It’s not the fancy stuff, it’s the basic stuff. It’s the consistent stuff that you need to do to be successful in life. There will always be stuff flashing in front of your eyes. Always. But if you continue to put your focus on that, what is it taking you away from? The present moment.
Quin: Amazing. I can speak with you all day, everyday, man.
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Quin: But I know we’re on a time schedule here. Before I let you go, I wanna let everybody know that Purdeep is an amazing person. We all get testimonials from, let’s say when I’m working with my business, mostly like helping eCommerce entrepreneurs and stuff like that, we all get testimonials from a ton of people. What we don’t get are testimonials from Mr. Frank Kern himself.
Purdeep Sangah: [laughs]
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah. That was interesting. He’s one of my big clients there when I first actually just started working. I had actually gone to Frank to learn from him and I just set it up that he said, “I need your help. Could you help me with this project?” I said, “Absolutely.”
Quin: No kidding. He knows a good help when he sees it.
Purdeep Sangah: Yeah. [laughs]
Quin: For everybody listening to us, I already mentioned that The Male Entrepreneur can be found at themaleentrepreneur.com. Where else can people find you if they wanna get in touch with you and get help from you?
Purdeep Sangah: The other one is malepodcast.com. I talk a little bit about the stuff that we talked about here today, but it’s more of a fun tune for guy stuff, what I called stuff that guys think about but don’t really say. Those are the two main places that you can find me. Mainly themaleentrepreneur.com.
Quin: Awesome. For you guys listening, check out Purdeep’s podcast and if you like what you hear, leave him a review and you can do the same as well here for this show. Purdeep, thank you very much. There’s so much that was left out that I wanna know and I guess our audience wants to know, like healing yourself. It’s so damn fascinating, where I’m fascinated with. I’m guessing we’ll have to do this again another time if you’re up for it.
Purdeep Sangah: Absolutely. Absolutely. I’ll be more than happy to.
Quin: Perfect. Again, thank you so much. We’re gonna stay in touch, for sure. You guys can expect to hear from Purdeep again here.
Purdeep Sangah: Thank you for having me on the show. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Quin: It was a real pleasure. Thank you.
Purdeep Sangah: Thank you.