Entrepreneur, Investor, CTO of Tetra Noodle Manuj Aggarwal
Our Guest is an entrepreneur, investor, and technology enthusiast. He is also the principal consultant, architect CTO of TetraNoodle Manuj Aggarwal
- You started your career at 15 workings in a factory 12 hours a day, 6 days a week making $2/day. Somehow I managed to acquire modest education.
- At what age did you move to Canada?
- How do you help bootstrap tech startups?
- Why do you advocate bootstrapping over conventional methods of building businesses?
- What kind of results you have achieved for your clients using your methods?
- where do you get clients for your own business?
- favorite software tool
- whats the podcast?
- Do you have a methodology which you use to build businesses?
- I love that, don’t trust your own judgment, and that people don’t take action
- What are some of the essential factors which determine the success of a startup?
- Are you the founder of Tetranoodle?
- We also train engineers on cutting edge technologies. |Sounds cool, explain
- work with startup founders and help them bootstrap their dreams, How?
- software consulting company, what exactly does this company do?
A. I favor fast execution over endless deliberation.
B. I favor serving the CUSTOMER over my own desires to build something cool.
C. I favor bending the rules (without breaking them) over abiding by them.
D. I believe in the resiliency and adaptability of the human race, and I know we can overcome any challenge if we work together.
E. Ideas are a dime a dozen, what counts is execution
F. I like startups, business ideas, and high-tech anything.
G. I favor pragmatic solutions over complex ones.
H. I favor scrappiness over lavishness.
I. Embrace The Benefits Of Constraints
J. Focus On Value Creation Over Shiny Glamour
K. Practice Low Risk And Rapid Idea Validation
▪ Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Computer Vision
▪ Blockchain
▪ Cloud Computing | AWS | Azure
▪ iOS apps | Android Apps | Mobile App Development
▪ Data Analytics | Big Data | Hadoop | Data Science
▪ Algorithmic trading (financial markets)